It seems that due to the pandemic and now, interest rates being so low people have jumped to purchasing a home. The question is are you ready to buy that home. Is it the right time? Do you have what you need to take that leap right now? What are the questions you should be asking yourself?

Here, I share with you some of the questions you should be asking yourself and this can help you determine if you are ready now or if you are just wanting to purchase because we are in a pandemic and interest rates are low and you are afraid you will pay more later.

  1. Picture yourself owning a home. Now picture yourself renting an apt. How does it make you feel? What is it about owning a home that you feel you cannot achieve when you rent from someone.
  2. You know that in order to be ready to purchase a house you will need some savings, so now ask yourself, what can I do with this money that I have saved other than buying a home. Is that        “something” more important to you right now.
  3. We all have goals that we want to achieve. Will owning a home stop you from achieving other goals you have?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself before taking the leap. Its’ ok if the answer is no. Not everyone is ready to become a homeowner. Maybe this is not the right time for you. Maybe you have other reasons why you do not want to take this huge step now. Whatever the reason is, the best approach is to purchase a home only when you are ready and not just because interest rates are low or because you think this is your last opportunity and later means paying more.

I am here to  help and answer any questions you have, even if now is not the time for you to purchase.

You can call me or text me at 813-924-3707.